I want to encourage and thank you all for serving the Lord in this chaotic year... Di Davies

Dear friends,

This challenging, chaotic year is nearly at an end! On the one hand you may think how could it possibly be November, and on the other hand, thinking back to January when everything was fairly ‘normal’ and you were making plans for the months ahead, it may seem like years ago!!

There have been many things we have not been able to do this year; plans cancelled or put on hold; disappointments and hardships to deal with; families separated by borders and countries; churches, schools and businesses shut for a time; plus the many adjustments needed throughout the year as we dealt with the rise and fall of COVID-19 numbers and the changing of restrictions on gatherings. 

It has been hard on nearly every level, and many of you are weary and worn, waiting for this year to finish so you can take a decent break.  However, even 2021 is clouded in uncertainty which adds an extra level of stress, especially when planning for the year ahead.

Yet, despite all these difficulties, hopefully there is much we have learnt through these months of strangeness. For many of us it has been a year with less activity, less social interaction and rushing around, which has given us more time to reflect, pray, read, be creative perhaps, and spend more time with the family (if you are fortunate enough to have them nearby).

We are very grateful for zoom conversations/meetings and the ability to connect with people all over the world. We have also come to realise how precious it is to meet face to face with family and friends, congregations, Bible study groups, Network group, etc. as restrictions lessened. Not even social distancing can diminish the joy of meeting together when we can. 

Our loving Father is continuing to work his purposes out through all of this, bringing more of his lost sheep into his fold, giving us new opportunities to share his gospel with others, and continuing to lavish his love on us.  We have much to be grateful for, as we continue to pray for a suitable vaccine to become available next year.

Normally at this time of the year we would be gathering together across the diocese as our bishops’ wives host a function in their home.  As a decision needed to be made a few months ago and there were still a number of hotspots popping up throughout the wider Sydney area, the bishops’ wives and I thought it better to err on the side of caution, and so we did not proceed with any ‘official’ events this year.  However, if you would like to get together with a few ministry wives at home or in a park, we encourage you to do so.

As mentioned earlier, planning for 2021 is somewhat of a minefield, but our Ministry Wives Committee has been hard at work doing just that – planning whether to hold our biennial conference in July 2021. After many hours of discussion and prayer, we are going ahead with it, taking into account the COVID safety regulations we will all need to adhere to (at least if the present restrictions are still in place).

The planned dates are from Thursday July 22nd to Friday July 23rd, 2021 at the CRU Conference Centre, Galston Gorge, (including the Wednesday dinner and sleepover option).  Fiona Millar, who lectures at Queensland Theological College (QTC) in Women’s & Children’s Ministry,  will be our guest speaker - Messy World, Mighty God, the book of Joel - a fitting theme for this period of time! Despite the extra work currently involved in organising a residential conference to be COVID safe, the committee is passionate to provide this unique opportunity for ministry wives to be built up and encouraged in their faith and to enjoy the fellowship of others.  We do hope many of you will join us. Further details will be available early 2021, but please mark the dates now. 

If you didn’t receive this letter via an email, it’s because we don’t have your current email. If you’d like to receive our emails including the latest information about the conference, please update your details here.

As I close, I want to encourage and thank you all for serving the Lord in whatever ministry and circumstance God has placed you.  I trust your Christmas celebrations (even though different this year!) are a cause for joy, being thankful for all the blessings we have through our Saviour. 

My love and prayers,

Di x

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“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word’.’ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Isobel Lin