A message from Di Davies
Dear Ministry Wives,
As we come to the beginning of another week of isolation and chaos, I wonder how you are going in your particular corner of the world - or the confines of your house - with this turbulent life we now find ourselves in.
Although I do not know your individual situation at this time, I know none of us are untouched by the current circumstances and many of us will be finding it hard and worrying, so I wanted to touch base to let you know I am praying for you.
You may feel discombobulated (what a great word!), exhausted, frustrated, stressed, lonely, anxious, burdened etc. as you deal with family/church/work with all the changes that have been imposed upon us. You may wonder how you can maintain these restrictions for 90 days, or longer if the predictions of six months are correct.
Life is very different now, and I think we should go easy on ourselves and realise we may not be doing things as efficiently as we used to. We should also acknowledge that our own experience and situation will be different from that of your friends or other ministry wives, and we should not compare ourselves with what others may or may not be doing.
Many of you will be grieving not being able to meet with your congregation and friends, whereas others of you may be enjoying the enforced rules to stay at home and the opportunity of letting go of many of your and your children’s activities. For some it may be a great time for the family to be together, while for others every 24 hours could feel like a week, and you are praying, ‘How long oh Lord?'!
Whatever you are feeling, remember to bring it to the Lord. We have a heavenly Father who loves us, listens to us, and longs to hear our prayers.
COVID-19 is not a surprise to him. He is still working his purposes out in this world and he will use these extraordinary times for his good for his people and the proclamation of the gospel. He has conquered death and he will surely conquer this virus … in his time.
As well as speaking to God in prayer and reading his word, if you are feeling at a low ebb, can I please encourage you to reach out to speak to someone: a trusted friend, your bishop’s wife, or myself: any of us would be happy to speak to you - even if it is only for you to unload, perhaps even have a laugh together, and get a different perspective so you can continue to keep going. May God bless you.
With my prayers and love,
Di xx
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation. He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Psalm 62:1-2,8